Heather Ah San
5 posts
Solano County schools grapple with budget cuts, tough decisions
FAIRFIELD — School districts in Solano County continue to face tough decisions. After a year that threatened popular…
August 26, 2012
Solano County school district information
Dixon School District 678-5582 http://www.dixonusd.org Superintendent: Roger Halberg, 678-5582 ext. 8020, rhalberg@dixonusd.org School board: President, Irina Okhremtchouk,iokhremtchouk@dixonusd.org, elected 2009,…
August 26, 2012
How to register your child for kindergarten
FAIRFIELD — Kindergarten is a big transition for 4- and 5-year-old children and can be just as daunting…
August 26, 2012
Plenty of preschool options for parents
FAIRFIELD — Preschool is an important step in a child’s life. It’s the first time they “leave the…
August 26, 2012
Publicity highlights Rio Vista's quirky side
RIO VISTA — Along the quiet Sacramento River, the quiet town of Rio Vista, known as the “Gateway…
August 26, 2012