Fairfield aims to rebuild central ‘Heart of Downtown’

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FAIRFIELD — The downtown that’s home to the semi-famous – and redundant – “Fairfield – County Seat Solano County” sign may set the city’s future.

Municipal officials want the central business district to grow and match the downtown turnarounds that other Bay Area cities have seen.

The city’s Heart of Fairfield plan has served as a catalyst for some new businesses and redevelopment in the area but the biggest changes are still to come, including a major makeover for Allan Witt Park and other projects aimed and attracting people to the city’s central district.

Home to Travis Air Force Base, a Budweiser brewery and Jelly Belly Candy Company, the city wants to make downtown Fairfield one of its landmarks as well.

The Intermodal Station Project for train and bus riders, planned about a mile from Travis Air Force Base, is seen as a boon for residents and the economy.

Besides such developments, Fairfield leaders point to the range of viewpoints expressed in the city about politics and the community.

“You have a real marketplace of ideas,” Councilwoman Catherine Moy said.

The Central Solano Citizen-Taxpayer Group is a mainstay at City Council and school board meetings. Union voices were heard as well when a project labor agreement for the train station development went before Fairfield council members.

The city’s status as the county seat reaches back to 1858 and has helped boost growth, beginning with a doubling of the population between the late 1850s and 1880. A century later, more than 44,000 people lived in the city – a number that more than doubled by 2000 and now stands at 112,970.

Fairfield at neatly 40 square miles is almost the physical size of San Francisco, if not a match in population or cable cars that climb halfway to the stars.

The One Bay Area program uses federal highway funds to pay for planning. The Solano Transportation Authority distributes a portion of the money.

An effort by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments to guide regional development evolved into the One Bay Area grant program.

The Davis office of Berkeley-based MIG Architects prepared the planning document while working with three other firms on the plan for south downtown Fairfield, including land between Highway 12 and Kentucky Street as well as the County Justice Center and Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Solano Town Center mall has its own, more recent history – including a $20 million renovation in 2006 and the later addition of a food court.

Fairfield at a glance

  • City Hall: 1000 Webster St., 428-7400
  • Website: www.fairfield.ca.gov
  • City manager: David White. Reach at 428-7400
  • Mayor: Harry Price. Elected in 1997. Term expires in 2018. Reach at 428-7395 or 422-4455 or [email protected]
  • Vice Mayor: Chuck Timm. Elected in 2007. Served one term. Elected again in 2014. Term expires in 2018. Reach at 429-6298 or 428.7402 or [email protected]
  • Councilwoman: Pam Bertani. Elected in 2011. Term expires in 2020. Reach at 628-6974 or [email protected]
  • Councilwoman: Catherine Moy. Appointed in 2008. Elected 2009. Term expires in 2018. Reach at 480-8837 or [email protected]
  • Councilman: Rick Vaccaro. Appointed in 2008. Elected 2011. Term expires in 2020. Reach at 249-3533 or [email protected]
1 comment
  1. Fairfield and (Solano County) is a law of the jungle oligarchy that should be put out of it’s misery. Everything looks like an ugly eyesore in this third-world town where minorities are continually harassed and have their time wasted. Its law of the jungle kangaroo “court” is simply a place where rich white people get whatever illegal favor they please…even their token negro judge Alecia Jones is an illiterate fool that takes orders from white “judges”
    ..And it has not media to expose the trutyh besides the fake news spread by Daily Republic (yea go ahead and delete my comment)

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