FAIRFIELD — A typical workday finds Solano County residents making their way to their destinations using all sort of transportation methods.
Some simply get in their cars and drive. Local roads provide plenty of options for short trips. For the long-distant commuter, Interstates 80, 680, 780 and 505 and Highways 12, 37 and 113 link the county with such places as the Bay Area, Sacramento, Stockton and Napa counties.
But one doesn’t have to be a driver to take trips to distant locales or simply around town. Some commuters reach San Francisco by riding the ferry from Vallejo. Others reach their destinations by catching a Capitol Corridor train at the Suisun City station or by heading to the Fairfield Transportation Center to catch a local bus or a bus heading to a BART station.
Some people prefer to get around on their own power. The county in recent years has added such bike and pedestrian routes as the path along the new North Connector linking southern and central Fairfield and McGary Road linking Fairfield and Vallejo.
Solano County even offers options for those few that have private planes. Pilots can use either the Nut Tree Airport in Vacaville or the Rio Vista Airport.
Here is where to go to get information on getting around Solano County and the region:
- Fairfield-Suisun Transit System, http://www.fasttransit.org or 422-2877.
- BART, http://www.bart.gov or 510-465-2278 (Fairfield and Vallejo buses and Capitol Corridor trains connect with BART stations)
- SolTrans (Benicia and Vallejo bus service), http://www.soltransride.com or 648-4046.
- Vallejo Baylink Ferry, http://www.baylinkferry.com or 877-643-3779.
- Dixon Readi-Ride, http://www.ci.dixon.ca.us/index.aspx?NID=237 or 678-5020.
- Vacaville Transit, http://www.citycoach.com or 449-6000.
- Rio Vista Delta Breeze, http://www.rio-vista-ca.com/transit/index.html or 374-2878.
- Nut Tree Airport in Vacaville, http://www.co.solano.ca.us/depts/genserv/nta/default.asp or 469-4600.
- Rio Vista Airport, http://riovistacity.com/airport or 374-2176.
- Capitol Corridor trains, http://www.capitolcorridor.org or 877-974-3322.
- Solano-Napa Commuter Information, http://www.commuterinfo.net/ or 800-535-6883.
Reach Barry Eberling at 427-6929, or beberling@dailyrepublic.net. Follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/beberlingdr.